Team Semnificativ Kama Kaczmarczyk Damon Pfaff Cait Stevens
The theme of this trend report is ‘meaningful consumption.’ The goal was to research, analyze and synthesize current human behaviour to identify trends that can be used to influence business models, products and services.
Dimensions of Human Experience
The first goal was to clearly define meaning. The team decided meaning should be focused around the core of the individual, rather than society. Frameworks were then developed to explore how humans derive meaning from experiences. The exploration led to 54 ‘Modes of Meaning’ which guided the group’s research in uncovering trends, signals and the driving forces behind them. The next step was to distill the research into insights. To achieve this, a ‘Trend Strata Mapping’ process was developed which allowed us to consolidate our findings into groupings of theme and scale. This resulted in 9 high-impact trends. These were distilled further into 3 macro-trends which were chosen for their higher level of abstraction, which would lend to more expansive exploration when identifying opportunities in the next phase.