Observation of Sound

Aesthetic Data Visualization

At a Glance

Devjoy Roy
Stein Wang

The Observation of Sound explores how data visualization can take the form of more abstract and experimental investigation of information. The end result is a physical aesthetic visualization in which the sounds of an environment can be observed, making the invisible visible. In this case, the sounds of a barbershop are visually displayed. The visualization seeks to enhance the limitations of human perception, allowing us to experience environments in a new way. These new experiences can be interpreted as a form of abstract art, but can also be used to derive deeper insights that can inspire future design opportunities.


Our team began with an investigation into human perception. We became interested in how humans experience their environment through a combination of sensory triggers and cognition. This exploration led us to our design brief: Create an experience that explores the aesthetic possibilities of data. The next step was to identify what characteristics of an environment are quantifiable, and how could this data be manipulated into an intriguing experience? The medium of sound became our focus due to its abstract and invisible qualities within any given environment.
Our datasource was created by recording 40 minutes of ambient sound in a barbershop. Decibels, frequency and notes were used as the measurements of sound that would be displayed visually. The data was aggregated and manually recorded for every 2 seconds of sound. The data was then input into the Arduino software to correspond to the LED installation that was also built for the project.




Frequency (Hz)


Notes (pitch)

Video Demonstration


Currency Visualization